#TeaCupsFull Garden Tales
Tucked away near the Bhutan border is Chuapara Tea Estate. The story goes, that if you parked your vehicle in the garage, it wouldn’t move next morning. The car would often break down it could be a puncture, a dead battery, a blown fuse or a faulty starter. In a nutshell you had to call for help to fix your car. And if you were lucky or clever by not parking the car in the garage you were in for a surprise.
The moment you drove out of the bungalow on the garden road, you could feel the presence of a person in the back seat. Often visitors would narrate tales of the occupant tapping you on the shoulder. According to Narendra Kumar Puri, “I adjusted my rear view mirror to see if there was someone sitting in the back, there was nothing visible, but I could feel the presence”.
Now how errie was that.
While not all tea gardens are haunted, watch out this space for more real stories about life in Tea in the yester years.